Trailer' The Mechanic '
Synopsis: Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) is a hired murderer to a strict code of honor and extraordinary talents. When an agency of the U.S. government hires the "mechanically" to delete a rogue spyware or a corrupt businessman, could sleep soundly knowing that death look like a tragic accident or caused by natural causes. The mechanic studies his target before deleting to make sure to avoid international incidents and contain any possible scandal. But Bishop has reached a point in his career he feels he has had enough, he's ready to retire and live the considerable accumulated funds in your bank account and try to lead a normal life. Unfortunately for him, fate has other plans. So, when he meets with his lifelong colleague and only friend, Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland) for one last job, soon to receive your order, only to discover that their goal is to be Harry himself. Of course, Harry has no idea until, one night, his office remains without power and, while lowering the car, you realize that someone was lurking. At the bottom, Bishop decides to face him. At that time, Bishop both know what to do.
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