Monday, February 15, 2010

Nauseawith Tonsillities

Parametrics 2010 - Playful Minimalism

Poiesis The Center organizes Parametrics 2010 Workshop, an intensive workshop on parametric design in architecture by exploring proyectuales sensitive devices.
proyectuales sensitive devices are potential projects. Reserve architectural information. "Codes" incomplete context needed to produce a reaction.
DPS react to the user's presence, given the characteristics of natural or urban environment.
A sensible system has laws mothers structure their reaction towards a certain character, here, the potential pool of architectural energy. This energy or internal finality conditions appear how the building industry but not determined. It requires the existence of a user, a place to close the circuit. There is no planned
defined formalization or a particular dwelling, but is designed the way an "architectural body" reacts to external stimuli, in pursuit of achieving a result that is expressed in the form, the living and the tectonics, describing and discovering certain character.
An architecture and contemporary art, where the use of digital tool does not act as a mere substitute for manual drawing, but as a means to sensitize a picturesque dam discipline and entertainment.
will take place from 12-03 to 19-03 in FADU . The event is free and requires pre-registration
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