The city remains the subject of the musings of anthropologists, social scientists, architects, planners and environmental specialists who try to interpret the complexity of diagnosing states of affairs are not always approachable from Orthodox eyes. Undoubtedly
multiple readings can be made generic conditions today, wondering what kind of object the word refers today ciudad.Pero even more, which is the kind of questions from critical thinking to historical formations can be raised informally sedimented dragging and build their layers with a logic so indeterminate as foreign to the ways of traditional disciplines of space.
local joints epochal determinations have been generated in our cities, their characterization more tangible and more inasibles.Estas their potentialities, transformations have led to significant manifestation of which is left to perceive in the juxtaposition of fields of both symbolic and material interests, but whose articulation in terms of urban fragments are not as clearly delimitables.La field condition such situations, has blurred edges and the former urban district in topography have become constitutive of cultural landscapes significantly definidos.Como already raised "a map is not the territory" and less shares that are developed in.
is the place of their architectures on to signify the fact, inhabited ?.... is the simplified notion of a function where its basic economic relevance? Or perhaps we confront a type of highly complex phenomena whose links are generated tension between city events as well as programmatically directed self-generated processes whose independence of stable matrices can pose different cognitive diagrams encrypted fields of knowledge.
Buenos Aires, today a patchwork of immersive experiences in which their experiences are intensified screening from information within the spaces that are cualificados.Advertimos a systemic dimension relational and open to us as changing information about notorious events of dynamism, these dimensions allow us to construct mental maps or records that enable critical phenomenological notion of bodies in the espacios.Asi between information and material flows edilicias ubiquitous, our experience of the city is built with a diversity of knowledge embodied in a collective set of actions that characterize our future as being urban.
From inside the artificial nature of the city building our cities continues to mutate and colonize territories and geographies that constitute indeterminate situations islands which is inhabited by several cities, reports, fingerprints, trails and future expectations.
The gap between words and things is broad, systems, structures and objects not cease to build appropriate networks for the better qualities of life, levels of complexity suggest potential innovative analytical strategies, tactics and intellectual daring intervention unexplored rhetorical subtracted from redundancy.
JS Mele