New York-January 1922. On Friday of last week the jury of MoMA Ps.1 winning studio announcement for the 11th edition of the YAP (YOUNG ARCHITECTS PROGRAM) which gives U $ D 85,000 in prizes for the construction of a facility for the famous festival WarmUp Summer Series. PS1 is the alternative venue MoMA in Queens, where a contest is held annually for young or rather for architectural practices who are beginning their practice. This time the study SO-IL (SOLID OBJECTIVES - IDENBURG LIU) has been selected as a WINNER OF ANNUAL Eleventh. Florian Architects Idenburg and Jing Liu will be selected from 5 finalists with his presentation "Pole Dance", a very minimalist setup (see video) basically made of sticks and a network that connects the ball to activate the movement between the network and different poles create a sense of movement and especially the interaction between 'humanity and structure. "
video-presentation following "Pole Dance"