Friday, November 27, 2009

Kate's Playground Uncensored

Rio de la Plata Buenos Aires 2050 2050

Franco Martinez-Fernandez, Lobosco
Future Perspectives - Buenos Aires 2050 Final Tp CAMP 2009

Can You Watch P90x Free

Friday, November 20, 2009

Always Red Eye Some People

... And you still need a life, simulates the city ...

Buenos Aires 2050 "... and you still need a life simulates the city ... "
(Rem Koolhaas, Space Junk)

Making video: Karina Pafundi, Gisela Giordano

Work done for
FADU-UBA Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, University of Buenos Aires
Critical Analysis of Modern Architecture and Postmodern
Chair Jorge Mele

Team: Pafundi, Torrismondi, Weitzman

Friday, November 6, 2009

Woman In Long Leg Girdles

2 minutes 15 - recording the world's urban life

the collaborative blog 2min15 proposes a mammoth task, collection and recording of urban life .. . worldwide. As its website, they propose, as a flâneur, tour and record videos of 1 to 2min 15 on urban situations in various cities, trying to demonstrate the power of the metropolitan experience mediated (generic, yes) but also with nuances and subtleties that discipline designing tools have failed to perceive and manipulate the whole.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Simi Garewal In Mera Naam Jokar

Ground Up - Play City Intuition & System

The Dutch study
Döll Lab, the online book "Ground-Up / City Play as a design Tool " collects a series of critical texts on the role of playfulness in the construction and ownership public space, taking up micro-strategies of intervention on Interstitial urban fabric and vacant lots.
Based on field studies and collaborative participation in workshops for children and adults, the laboratory submits draft children's play areas as design tools for the integration and linkage with the city.